Monday, February 28, 2011
Rotel Chicken Velveeta
See previous post.
half won, because yes, I confirm once more that some publishers do not pay the authors.
Half the time not because I intend to keep this information for me, to free them when confirmed by other sources, may do more harm.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Contos Bmx Paint Simulator
See post title.
I'll bet that after the fair to treat some other publishers who do not pay to tell?
If nothing else, put me in a good mood to meet some designers who have known only via the Net
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Does Walmarts Cameras Work,
How not to get fooled in front of hypothesis (or thesis) Conspiracy?
There is help in the usual Paul Attivissimo, unstoppable "buffalo hunters" and debunkers, literally dismantling (Thesis weird and fake journalism).
Here's his article, a practical guide in 11 short points:
If you have a little 'more time, more and reported by Paul Attivissimo (Combined omen), here "I think of the fuffaro": a practical guide on how to put on a par with conspiracy to spread your "unassailable" truth.
After all, why make an effort to find truth, when you can believe what you like best? -_-
Note: any resemblance between these techniques, wrong morally and science, disinformation and what is happening in the Italian media on topics is NOT a very very serious case. Think about it.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
What Is Santa's Email Real Email A Dress
We're back to my inquiry about the comic and retire.
To begin with, an observation: the workers of the world of comics are young and cute (the publishers are a little 'not so young), no doubt, but lack any specific training.
'm not used to, on average, to deal with the bureaucratic and difficult to have made studies in law, economics or similar.
For this, try to be clear: to send a comment if something is not clear, ok? Ok.
start with some basic concepts.
1) Introduction on the method.
The issue of pensions is of enormous importance in the life of a State, do not argue about this.
Although not an expert in the field of social security law abroad, I know, for example, in Anglo-Saxon countries the state pension, where it exists, exists in much reduced form, however, because people are already accustomed to dealing with finance .
Which system is best for the state to which we belong? Thorny subject and interesting, but ...
... in the course of this investigation, however, speak of "law" as meaning "the rules today, that rights and duties are there? "
law" as it should be "as important and subject politics in the noble sense, will not be part of my investigation, I will for now" state of things today. "
The reason is simple: not otherwise come to an end, and the purpose of this research is to be a practical guide, with immediate applications.
2) What's "retirement"?
INPS is responsible for more than 15 different types donations of money, all with the aim of providing economic support to those who qualify by law, either through seniority or because of health conditions (eg, disability), or other features.
Those that interest us are:
- Retirement pension
- Retirement pension
- supplementary pension (and their subtypes)
- check Social
In addition, there is a world of so-called "private pensions" which would be more correct to call "complementary social security."
DISCLAIMER: the supplementary pension is part of my job. As I have a conflict of interest on the subject, I will try to distinguish clearly what the law says from my personal evaluations. If not, get me your ears and you will get further explanation.
the next episode: What are these pensions, how do you get them, how they are paid as the cartoonists and the way they are paid that will affect pensions (which is why you read the whole 'this stuff, no?).
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Really Watery Stool In 1 Month Baby
As you may know, I follow the online creative writing course held gratis et amore Dei Cajelli Diego, the "DiegozilLab.
The task was to write a self-contained stories, maximum 2000 characters, about a person (or character interpreted by them) assigned at the beginning of the course. It happened to me
Ozzy Osbourne.
First reaction: m'invento and that on him?
Second reaction: quiet, Matt, is' what you do best, documented.
So, procured the official biography of Ozzy, here is the result.
is very different from my usual stuff, which, for a year, I guess is good.
is inspired by a true story, very true, sadly true, a little romanticized by myself.
the fifth job lost in three years (yet another fight, the slaughter of pigs), I decided it did not work for me: I became a "John the thief."
three months in prison, less than eighteen years and not the physical fights: long hair and tattoos on his knuckles made by me, there, not worth a shit.
Everything smelled of human odors, and all dripping with hate. Those who received more hate and fists, of all people, was Bradley.
Bradley had a sign on the cell: "Rule 43" in practice meant "make his life a shit." He had come after me, convicted of raping seventeen children, including his son.
I use my best gift I was good at the sucker, and I made some 'friends' important': I I made them laugh, and they prevented it breaks bones.
I began to distribute the rations, including Bradley: I was told to give him little or nothing, and so I did.
He looked with a broken nose, the day before by one with a snake tattooed on his face.
I did, and I felt pity: the sharp sound of his nose disappeared in the face, and his screams, like a pig slaughterhouse.
Bradley seemed bent an animal, such as the circus, which by dint of beating lose all will to live: never went out of his cell, was a problem.
They ordered me and another washing. They dragged him outside, away from the bucket for excrement, which overturned, and he dirtied the floor.
While we spent the scope on him, he was shaking, his nose bruised and dark, and maybe crying.
I had another of pity for him, but then looked at me.
was only a moment, but I realized that was not bent at all. She was only humbled, but the hatred was inside him, ready to explode.
I realized that I could choose. Do something decent, or return to share my life with people like him.
I went out in 6 weeks, "good behavior".
I attacked around an ad. "OZZY ZIG NEEDS GIG", "Ozzy Zig seeks engagement."
The rest you know maybe I was good at the sucker, I made some friends.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Utility Trailers Plates Ontario Canada
"Imagine that one day, entire sections of your library are not accessible. There will never be told what specific books, and why they were removed, but you only get a sign informing you that someone, somewhere, for some reason, reported that the books of that section violates the rights of someone ' more. "
Spread the word.